Tag Archives: creative

Great ideas N2 great web sites – 2

you love sharing secrets?
you enjoy listening to secrets ?
you wish you can let go of a burden by whispering it to the air ? or sharing it anonymously with a stranger?
or if you just like creative ideas and enjoy observing how unusual people can express themselves ,
you should give this site a visit

from an idea started 2004 to the largest advertising free blog on the web today .
that must be worth something.

the “inventor” started receiving secrets from all over the place .
from shocking , funny, simple,tearful, great,nasty,happy,irrelevant …etc
he has almost HALF A MILLION SECRETS ! in hard draft !!

wanna see more great one , watch the inventor’s talk on TED

Great ideas N2 great web sites – 1

very innovative and helpful.
how many times you lost your camera,phone or memory stick that contained treasured/captured moments ?!
well for me it always happen on the run and it is almost always the greatest picture of the trip 😦

this site WWW.IFOUNDYOURCAMERA.NET helps you find you stolen/lost moment .
well the guy receives the pictures and he simply post them on the site with some of the details like : where was it found(camera model,flash stick brand,location: city,hotel ,street ..etc)

so next time you lose your camera give this site a visit , it might bring it all back 🙂

Smart modern furniture

the designs are cool and i find it amazing for small/limited space condos (i.e abroad)

expressive scetch

best diet/Anorexia Add :P

Saudi LOVE

m7ad a7san men a7ad 😉

Doritos Madness-Add

well he is SO MAD 😛

iPad cover/Carrier

very useful piece ..